African American characters in Legos

Day 17 of the Little Black Petals Countdown to a Lego Christmas Brings You the Original African-American Family

Remember when we learned to say African-American instead of Afro-American?  Well, this 17th Day of the Little Black Petals Countdown to a Lego Christmas brings you back to the year 1996 when saying African-American was all the rage. Now, Black will do just fine, and with just one syllable! 1996 was also the year Lego Duplo released its African-American Family. It has 6 figures and check out that back in the day video camera – love it!



Day 6 is for Doc McStuffins in the Little Black Petals Countdown to a Lego Christmas 2015!

If you have a budding doctor on your hands running around fixing boo-boos left and right, you already know that they love Doc McStuffins! And if something is that popular, the people at Lego are going to have a brick in its honor. So Day 6 of the Little Black Petals Countdown to a Lego Christmas 2015 brings you some of the Lego Doc McStuffins sets out there for your 2 to 5 year olds. Purchase one of them in our Little Black Petals shop on facebook or email us for a rental!


The Force of Finn Awakens on Day 5 of the Lego Christmas Countdown

It’s Day 5 of the Little Black Petals Countdown to a Lego Christmas 2015 people! Awaken yourselves to the force of Finn played by John Boyega from the new Star Wars film.

Who is this Finn character you say? Well, he was apparently a stormtrooper who turned into a goodguy Jedi and . . . well, that’s all we know at this point. That and the fact that Boyega is a British actor (of Nigerian descent) so we know he is going to be FIERCE in the film. We can’t wait to see it! The Lego Star Wars set featuring Finn – the Millennium Falcon – is for your 9 to 14 year old little petals and is not for the faint of heart with 1329 pieces! If you think they can handle it, get it in our Little Black Petals Shop on facebook. Or email us to rent it! Til ‘morrow for another tantalizing toy tidbit from the good folks at Lego.

finn in the shipJohn Boyegamillennium falcon with finnmillennium falcon